
Edtech x Productivity

01. The Challenge

Drive more signups from Google, now, by building a Hub of Competitor Alternative Landing Pages (LPs)

02. The Process

Once the first page is created – the marginal cost of creating more is minimal. Scaling this strategy gets easier over time. It allows the company to hedge their bets. No matter which competitor becomes “the next big thing”, they can always pinch their unhappy customers. 

This is conversion content at it’s best. The goal was more signups, leads and money. In each Landing Pages, three things are essential: 1) position as an antidote to a competitor, 2. highlight competitor weaknesses, 3. targeted user testimonials

03. The Result

Aditya was able to increase traffic 3x and upgrades 2x in ~3mo, with a 15% MoM increase in trial signups and get the company to a #1-3 rank for >80% blog content.